Friday, October 28, 2011

The Aquarium, by Jessica

On Sunday October 23, we went to an aquarium with Kurtis, Chrissy and our grandparents. We saw an albino alligator, and we got to touch a lot of animals, like sea stars, welks, horseshoe crabs, and a couple more. Later on, we saw divers dive in a big tank. We got to ask them questions and they would answer them for us. In that tank we saw a moray eel. It is a blue eel, but it looks green because it is covered in yellow mucus. It is a bit weird, but it shows that blue and yellow actually do make green.
We got to see jellyfish that when the light changes colour, it looks like it changes the colour of the jellyfish.
Later on when we were at the dock, we saw an otter beside our boat. He was swimming happily. He came so close to us that we could hear him breathing and chewing. We think he was eating shrimp.
After that, we went to the beach and the first time I went, I found a piece of coral. The second time we went, Madeine, Daddy and I all made a canal using the tide pools on the beach. We tried to protect it when the tide came in by building walls around it and making it deeper. I don't think we made our goal .... the tide won.
I hope it doesn't get too cold there, we are still eating outside in shorts and T-shirts.
Talk to you soon,

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