We have made good time today, and are now approaching the beginning of the C&D Canal.
We have the benefit of the current, right now our speed is just above 7 knots, with slightly higher than idle power.
In true Cee Jem fashion, we have decided to push on. We always find it hard to stop before dark when we have the advantage of good current or wind. It is 12 miles to the end of the Canal, and we have almost 3 hours of light left.
The caveat to the situation is that we have just heard a radio call stating that a railway bridge halfway down the canal will be closing shortly and remain lowered until a train goes by. The closed bridge height is 45', our mast height is 48'...no good. The Canal controller was vague when we asked about the bridge opening, saying it would open when the train had passed, and there would be a call on the radio to let us know.
What to do???
We are going to carry on, and hope that the bridge opens in time for us to pass through tonight and get to the anchorage on the east side before dark. If not, we have to decide whether we will head into an unfamiliar anchorage after sunset or turn around and backtrack to Chesapeake City to anchor as originally planned.
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