Sunday, September 25, 2011

Finally on the move!

Today we finally got sailing again!
OK, there was no wind, so we had to motor all the way, but the rain and threat of thunderstorms let up long enough to enable us to get back out on the Bay.
When we were checking our charts for the day's sail, there was an odd omission of information just south of. Which stated that it was "uncharted" - pretty odd for a cruising ground as busy as the Chesapeake. On further inspection, we saw that it was a military area, and discovered that we would encounter military patrol boats, should we venture to close when it was active. In fact, one guidebook says that it is not unusual to see military aircraft on target practice runs down the Bay. We saw no such activity today.
We did however sail through a feeding frenzy, which caused the water to literally boil in front of us. We did the only logical thing .... put out our fishing lines. We were rewarded with a catch of a striper, 2 bluefish, and a shad. Upon arriving at the achorage, we promptly put them all on the BBQ, and with the exception if the shad (which was too bony), enjoyed a lovely fish dinner.
We are in a little tributary to the Potomac River, and watching for deer along the shoreline as the sun goes down.
Tomorrow we are planning to set out early, and make a short run to Reedville on the Great Wicomico River. There is supposedly a nice anchorage, with good access to the town there. We are looking forward to the opportunity to get off the boat and walk around in the nicer weather.

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